Pinus thunbergii (Japanese Black Pine)
Pinus thunbergii (Japanese Black Pine) is a species of pine tree native to coastal regions of Japan and South Korea. It is named after the Swedish naturalist Carl Peter Thunberg, who first documented the species in the late 18th century....
from $5.00
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Pinus strobus (Wisconsin) (Eastern White Pine, White Pine, Weymouth Pine)
Pinus strobus (Wisconsin) (Eastern White Pine, White Pine, Weymouth Pine, Northern White Pine) is a large and important coniferous tree species native to eastern North America. It is recognized for its impressive size, soft needles, and commercial and ecological significance. Eastern...
from $8.00
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Pinus koraiensis (Korean Pine)
Pinus koraiensis (Korean Pine) is a species of pine tree native to Northeast Asia, particularly the Korean Peninsula, northeastern China, and eastern Russia. It is named after its primary region of origin, Korea. It is a slow-growing, evergreen coniferous tree that...
from $5.00
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Pinus densiflora (Japanese Red Pine)
Pinus densiflora (Japanese Red Pine) is an evergreen tree species native to Japan and Korea. It is highly valued for its ornamental qualities and is widely cultivated in various parts of the world for landscaping and forestry purposes. Japanese Red Pine...
from $7.00
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Pinus radiata (Radiata Pine, Monterey Pine, Insignis Pine)
Pinus radiata (Radiata Pine, Monterey Pine, Insignis Pine) is an evergreen tree species native to a limited area along the coast of California and Mexico. It has been widely planted and cultivated in many parts of the world for its...
from $8.00
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Pinus ponderosa (Ponderosa Pine)
Pinus ponderosa (Ponderosa Pine) is a large and widely distributed pine species native to western North America. It is named for its ability to grow in ponderous, or heavy, stands. Ponderosa Pine is a tall evergreen tree that can reach...
from $4.00
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Pinus virginiana (Virginia Pine, Scrub Pine, Jersey Pine)
Pinus virginiana (Virginia Pine, Scrub Pine, Jersey Pine) is a pine tree species native to the eastern United States. It is named after the state of Virginia, where it was first documented. Virginia Pine is a small to medium-sized evergreen tree...
from $6.00
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Pinus eldarica (Afgan Pine, Mondell Pine)
Pinus eldarica (Afgan Pine, Mondell Pine) is an evergreen tree species native to Afghanistan, Iran, and the Caucasus region. It is a fast-growing pine tree that has been widely cultivated in various parts of the world for its ornamental and...
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Pinus taeda (Loblolly Pine, Frankincense Pine)
Pinus taeda (Loblolly Pine, Frankincense Pine) is a large pine tree species native to the southeastern United States. It is named for its characteristic loblolly, or "low and wet," habitat preference and its resin, which has been historically used as a...
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Pinus sylvestris rhodopaea (Scots Pine, Scotch Pine, European Red Pine, Baltic Pine)
Pinus sylvestris rhodopaea (Scots Pine, Scotch Pine, European Red Pine, Baltic Pine) is a widely recognized pine tree species native to Europe and parts of Asia. The needles of Scots Pine are arranged in pairs and measure around 1 to 3...
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Pinus pinea (Italian Stone pine)
Pinus pinea (Italian Stone pine) is a Mediterranean pine tree species that is native to southern Europe, including Italy, Spain, and Portugal. It is named for its characteristic large, edible pine nuts, which have been harvested and used in culinary...
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Pinus hwangshanensis (Huangshan Pine, Huang Shan Pine, Yellow Mountain Pine)
Pinus hwangshanensis (Huangshan Pine, Huang Shan Pine, Yellow Mountain Pine) is an evergreen tree species native to the Huangshan Mountains in Anhui Province, China. It is named after its natural habitat, which includes the famous Huangshan Mountain range. Huangshan Pine...
from $8.00
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Pinus jeffreyi (Jeffrey Pine)
Pinus jeffreyi (Jeffrey Pine) is a large evergreen tree species native to the western United States, specifically the Sierra Nevada and Cascade Range. It is named after John Jeffrey, a Scottish botanist who explored the western United States in the 19th...
from $6.00
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Pinus mugo pumilio (Shrubby Swiss Pine, Dwarf Mugo Pine)
Pinus mugo pumilio (Shrubby Swiss Pine, Dwarf Mugo Pine) is a compact and slow-growing evergreen shrub that belongs to the family Pinaceae. It is a cultivar derived from the species Pinus mugo, which is native to the mountainous regions of...
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Pinus echinata (Shortleaf Pine)
Pinus echinata (Shortleaf Pine) is a medium to large evergreen tree native to the eastern and southeastern regions of North America. It is a member of the pine family (Pinaceae) and is valued for its timber, wildlife habitat, and ecological...
from $8.00
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Pinus banksiana (Jack Pine)
Pinus banksiana (Jack Pine) is an evergreen tree species native to North America, particularly in the northern regions of the United States and Canada. It is a hardy and resilient tree that is well-adapted to survive in harsh environmental conditions. Jack...
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Pinus palustris (Longleaf Pine)
Pinus palustris (Longleaf Pine) is a large, slow-growing, and long-lived evergreen tree species native to the southeastern United States. It is an iconic tree of the southern pine forests and has great ecological and historical significance. Longleaf Pine is a...
from $8.00
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Pinus nigra (Austrian Pine, European Black Pine)
Pinus nigra (Austrian Pine, European Black Pine) is a large evergreen tree species native to Europe, specifically the central and southeastern regions. It is widely cultivated for its adaptability, attractive appearance, and various practical uses. Austrian Pine is a robust tree...
from $6.00
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Pinus sylvestris (Scotland) (Scotland sourced Scotch Pine)
Pinus sylvestris (Scotland) (Scotch Pine (Scotland source)) is a coniferous tree species native to Scotland. It is one of the most widely distributed pine species in the world and has significant ecological, economic, and cultural importance. Scotch Pine is a medium...
from $8.00
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Pinus peuce (Balkan Pine, Greek Stone Pine, Macedonian Pine)
Pinus peuce (Balkan Pine, Greek Stone Pine, Macedonian Pine) is a species of pine tree native to the Balkan Peninsula in southeastern Europe. Here are some key characteristics of Pinus peuce: Balkan Pine is a medium to large-sized evergreen tree...
from $6.00
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Pinus mugo mughus (Mugo Pine)
Pinus mugo mughus (Mugo Pine) is a subspecies of Pinus mugo, a small evergreen coniferous tree belonging to the family Pinaceae. It is native to the mountainous regions of Central Europe, including the Alps, Carpathians, and Balkans. The Mugo Pine...
from $7.00
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Pinus halepensis (Aleppo Pine, Jerusalem Pine)
Pinus halepensis (Aleppo Pine, Jerusalem Pine) is a species of pine tree native to the Mediterranean region, including countries such as Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey, and Israel. It is a hardy and adaptable evergreen tree that has been widely cultivated and...
from $5.00
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Pinus flexilis (Limber Pine, Rocky Mountain White Pine)
Pinus flexilis (Limber Pine, Rocky Mountain White Pine) is a slow-growing evergreen tree species native to the mountainous regions of western North America. It is named for its flexible branches and limber nature, which allow it to withstand heavy snow loads....
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Pinus coulteri (Coulter Pine, Coulter's Pine, Big Cone Pine)
Pinus coulteri (Coulter's Pine) is a large and distinctive species of pine tree native to the coastal mountains of California and northern Baja California in Mexico. It is named after Thomas Coulter, an Irish botanist who collected plant specimens in the...
from $15.00
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Pinus tabulaeformis (Chinese Table Pine, Southern Chinese Pine)
Pinus tabulaeformis (Chinese Table Pine, Southern Chinese Pine) is an evergreen tree species native to China. It is a medium-sized pine tree with distinct characteristics and has significance in forestry, landscaping, and traditional medicine. Chinese Table Pine typically reaches heights...
from $6.00
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Pinus ponderosa subsp. ponderosa (North Plateau Ponderosa Pine, Western Yellow Pine)
Pinus ponderosa subsp. ponderosa (North Plateau Ponderosa Pine, Western Yellow Pine) is a subspecies of Pinus ponderosa, a large and widely distributed pine tree species native to western North America. Western Yellow Pine is a tall and straight tree that...
from $12.00
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Pinus pinaster (Maritime pine, Cluster pine)
Pinus pinaster (Maritime pine, Cluster pine) is a pine tree species native to the coastal regions of southwestern Europe, including Portugal, Spain, and France. It is named for its preference for coastal environments and its historical use in maritime activities. Maritime...
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Pinus gerardiana (Chilghoza Pine, Chilgoza Nut Pine, Geralds's Nut Pine, Nepal Nut Pine)
Pinus gerardiana (Chilghoza Pine, Chilgoza Nut Pine, Geralds's Nut Pine, Nepal Nut Pine) is a species of pine tree native to the Himalayan region, specifically found in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India. It is a coniferous tree highly valued for its...
from $9.00
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Pinus cembra (Arolla Pine, Cembran Pine, Swiss Stone Pine)
Pinus cembra (Arolla Pine, Cembran Pine, Swiss Stone Pine) is a species of pine tree native to the mountainous regions of Europe, including the Alps and Carpathian Mountains. It is a slow-growing, long-lived tree that is highly valued for its...
from $7.00
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Pinus sabiniana (California Foothill Pine, Digger Pine)
Pinus sabiniana (California Foothill Pine, Digger Pine) is a distinctive coniferous tree species native to California in the United States. It is primarily found in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada and Coast Ranges, particularly in the central and southern parts...
from $15.00
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Pinus roxburghi (Chirr Pine, Longleaf Indian Pine)
Pinus roxburghi (Chirr Pine, Longleaf Indian Pine) is a species of pine tree native to the Himalayan region of South Asia, including India, Nepal, Bhutan, and Pakistan. Chir Pine is a large-sized tree that can reach heights of 100 to 150...
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Pinus engelmannii (Apache Pine)
Pinus engelmannii (Apache Pine) is a species of pine tree native to the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. It is named after George Engelmann, a 19th-century German-American botanist who extensively studied the flora of North America. Size and Growth Habit:...
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Pinus canariensis (Canary Island Pine, Canary Pine)
Pinus canariensis (Canary Island Pine, Canary Pine) is a species of pine tree native to the Canary Islands, a Spanish archipelago off the northwest coast of Africa. It is a large evergreen conifer that is known for its impressive size...
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Pinus arizonica (Arizona Pine)
Pinus arizonica (Arizona Pine) is a species of pine tree native to the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico. It is a medium-sized evergreen tree that is well-adapted to arid and mountainous regions. Arizona Pine is valued for its attractive appearance...
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Pinus strobus (Wisconsin) (Eastern White Pine, White Pine, Weymouth Pine) Seedlings & Transplants Available for Spring Shipping
Seedlings & Transplants are shipped each Spring starting in Late March to Early April. Spring Shipment Stops towards end of Spring. First come first Served.  Any Orders placed after this Time frame will be shipped out the following Spring season.NO...
from $6.00
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Pinus patula (Jelecote Pine, Mexican Weeping Pine, Mexican Yellow Pine, Patula Pine, Spreading-Leaved Pine)
Pinus patula (Mexican Weeping Pine) is a species of pine tree native to Mexico and Central America. It belongs to the family Pinaceae and is known for its distinctive weeping or drooping branches, which give it a unique appearance. It...
from $6.00
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Pinus bungeana (Bunge's Pine, Lace Bark Pine, White-Barked Pine)
Pinus bungeana (Bunge's Pine, Lace Bark Pine, White-Barked Pine) is a species of pine tree native to China. It is named after the Russian botanist Alexander von Bunge, who first described the species. Bunge's Pine is known for its distinctive...
from $5.00
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Pinus halepensis var. brutia (Brutia Pine, Calabrian Pine, East Mediterranean Pine, Erect Cone Aleppo Pine, Turkish Pine)
Pinus halepensis var. brutia (Brutia Pine, Calabrian Pine, East Mediterranean Pine, Erect Cone Aleppo Pine, Turkish Pine) is a variety of the Aleppo Pine (Pinus halepensis). It is native to various regions around the Mediterranean Sea, including Turkey, Greece, Cyprus,...
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Pinus sylvestris (Central Massif) (French Blue Scotch Pine, Central Massif Scotch Pine)
Pinus sylvestris (Central Massif) (French Blue Scotch Pine, Central Massif Scotch Pine) is a coniferous tree species native to Europe, including the Central Massif region of France. The Central Massif Scotch Pine is a variant of the species found specifically in...
from $42.90
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Pinus strobus (Europe) (Eastern White Pine, White Pine, Weymouth Pine, Northern White Pine)
Pinus strobus (Europe) (Eastern White Pine, White Pine, Weymouth Pine, Northern White Pine) is a large and important coniferous tree species native to eastern North America. It is recognized for its impressive size, soft needles, and commercial and ecological significance. Eastern...
from $23.40
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Pinus pseudostrobus (Smooth-bark Mexican Pine)
Pinus pseudostrobus (Smooth-bark Mexican Pine) is a species of pine tree native to Mexico and Central America. Here are some key characteristics of Pinus pseudostrobus: Smooth-bark Mexican Pine is a medium-sized tree that can reach heights of 60 to 100...
from $8.00
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Pinus griffithi (wallichiana) (Western Himalayan Pine)
Pinus griffithi (wallichiana) (Western Himalayan Pine) is a species of pine tree native to the Western Himalayas in Asia. It is a majestic evergreen conifer with a tall stature and is renowned for its distinctive appearance and cultural significance in...
from $6.00
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Pinus densata (Sikang Pine)
Pinus densata (Sikang Pine) is a species of pine tree native to the eastern Himalayas and adjacent areas in China, Bhutan, and Nepal. It is named after the region of Sikang (now part of Sichuan province) in China where it was...
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Pinus attenuata (Knobcone Pine)
Pinus attenuata (Knobcone Pine)  is a species of pine tree native to the western coastal regions of North America, from Oregon to Baja California. It is named for the distinctive knob-shaped cones that it produces. Knobcone Pine is an ecologically...
from $6.00
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Pinus lambertiana (Sugar Pine , Giant Pine, Pino Pine)
Pinus lambertiana (Sugar Pine) is a pine tree species native to the western United States, particularly in the mountainous regions of California and Oregon. Sugar Pine is known for its impressive size, long cones, and the large seeds it produces.  ...
from $8.00
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Pinus nigra (Austrian Pine, European Black Pine) Seedlings & Transplants Available for Spring Shipping
Seedlings & Transplants are shipped each Spring starting in Late March to Early April. Spring Shipment Stops towards end of Spring. First come first Served.  Any Orders placed after this Time frame will be shipped out the following Spring season.NO...
from $18.00
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Pinus banksiana (Jack Pine) Seedlings & Transplants Available for Spring Shipping
Seedlings & Transplants are shipped each Spring starting in Late March to Early April. Spring Shipment Stops towards end of Spring. First come first Served.  Any Orders placed after this Time frame will be shipped out the following Spring season.NO...
from $16.00
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Pinus sylvestris (Scotland) (Scotch Pine (Scotland source)) Seedlings & Transplants Available for Spring Shipping
Seedlings & Transplants are shipped each Spring starting in Late March to Early April. Spring Shipment Stops towards end of Spring. First come first Served.  Any Orders placed after this Time frame will be shipped out the following Spring season.NO...
from $18.00
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Pinus torreyana (Torrey Pine, Del Mar Pine, Soledad Pine)
Pinus torreyana (Torrey Pine, Del Mar Pine, Soledad Pine) is a rare and endangered evergreen tree species that is native to the coastal regions of Southern California, particularly in the Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve and on Santa Rosa Island. It...
from $19.50
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Pinus strobiformis (Southwestern White Pine, Border Pine, Chihuahua White Pine)
Pinus strobiformis (Southwestern White Pine, Border Pine, Chihuahua White Pine) is a coniferous tree species native to the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. It is primarily found in the high elevation mountain ranges of the region, including the Sierra...
from $10.00
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