Thomas Laxton Garden Pea (Pisum sativum)
Thomas Laxton is a large and prolific heirloom pea plant. This pea variety is named after Thomas Laxton, a well-known pea breeder. This heirloom pea has been around for over a century and has stood the test of time. Each pod contains at least 8 and sometimes up to 10 peas! Be sure to use a trellis to protect the Thomas Laxton's 3' vines.
Botanical Name : Pisum sativum
Common name : Thomas Laxton Garden Pea
Size at maturity : 36”
Days to maturity : 65
Light requirement : Full sun
Planting time : Spring
Sowing method : direct sow,
Planting depth : 1/2" - 1"
Plant spacing : 2"-3"
Ships : Year-round
Average seeds per ounce : Approx. 80