Self Blanche Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea)
The bright white curds of the Self Blanching cauliflower are renowned for their delicious flavour! The Self Blanching Cauliflower gets its name from the self-wrapping leaves that help shield the white curds from the light. Cauliflower prefers cold weather, so plant seed in the early spring or fall for the best results.
Botanical Name : Brassica oleracea
Common name : Self Blanche Cauliflower
Size at maturity : 6”- 8”
Days to maturity : 60-70
Light requirement : Partial,Full
Planting time : spring or fall
Sowing method : Indoor sow
Planting depth : 1/4”
Plant spacing : 18"
Ships : Year-round
Average seeds per ounce : Approx. 8,000