Eucalyptus Corymbia citriodora (Lemon-Scented Gum, Blue Spotted Gum, Lemon Eucalyptus)
Eucalyptus Corymbia citriodora ( Lemon-Scented Gum, Blue Spotted Gum, Lemon Eucalyptus) is a tall tree native to Australia. It is known for its distinctive lemon fragrance, beautiful appearance, and various uses. Lemon-Scented Gum is often cultivated for its ornamental value and the essential oil derived from its leaves.
Size and Appearance: Lemon-Scented Gum is a large tree that can reach heights of 30-45 meters (98-148 feet). It has a straight trunk with smooth, pale gray to coppery bark that sheds in patches, revealing a patchwork of colors. The canopy is dense and conical in shape, providing shade beneath its branches.
Leaves: The leaves of Eucalyptus corymbia citriodora are lance-shaped, narrow, and green. They have a distinctive lemon scent when crushed or bruised, which gives the tree its common name. The lemon fragrance is due to the presence of essential oils, particularly citronellal. The leaves are arranged alternately along the branches.
Flowers: Lemon-Scented Gum produces clusters of creamy-white flowers that are borne in large, showy inflorescences. The flowers are abundant and appear in summer or autumn. They are a valuable source of nectar for bees, butterflies, and other pollinators.
Essential Oil: The leaves of Lemon-Scented Gum are highly valued for their essential oil, which is extracted through steam distillation. The oil is known for its strong lemon fragrance and is used in various applications, including perfumes, soaps, candles, and insect repellents. It is also used in aromatherapy for its uplifting and refreshing properties.
Ornamental Use: Lemon-Scented Gum is popular as an ornamental tree in gardens, parks, and landscapes due to its attractive appearance and aromatic foliage. It provides shade and its lemon fragrance adds a pleasant ambiance to outdoor spaces.
Other Uses: The wood of Lemon-Scented Gum is used for various purposes, including construction, flooring, and furniture. It is known for its durability and attractive grain.
Botanical Name : Eucalyptus citriodora
Common Name : Lemon Scented Gum, Lemon Bush
Height : 120-150 ft
Spread : 20- 40 ft
Germination Info : Seed requires scarification prior to sowing
Hardiness zone : 8-11
Average seed per ounce : Approx. 5,000