Cayenne Large Red Thick Pepper, HOT (Capsicum annuum)
This is the LARGEST and THICKEST of the Beautiful Cayenne Peppers!! Fruits with thick flesh that are rather hot. Dried, pickled, or in sauces, this is a favourite. On robust upright plants, concentrated sets of wrinkled, tapering, and curved fruits are borne pendantly. Spicey hot! Ripens from a beautiful dark green to a blazing scarlet crimson. ..
Botanical name : Capsicum annuum
Common name : Cayenne Large Red Thick Pepper, HOT
Size at maturity : 5” -7”
Days to maturity : 75
Light requirement : Full sun
Planting time : summer
Sowing method : Direct sow
Planting depth : ¼”
Plant Spacing : 18”
ships : Year-round
Average seed per ounce : Approx. 4,000