Bee Feed Mix, Flower Seeds

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Bee Feed Mix, Flower Seeds: a mix of annual and perennial flowers with a wide range of adaptability that provide nectar and pollen to wild bees, honey bees, and other pollinators. It's ideal for well-kept landscapes like garden beds and borders. Early, mid, and late blooming flowers are included to...
Weight *

Bee Feed Mix, Flower Seeds: a mix of annual and perennial flowers with a wide range of adaptability that provide nectar and pollen to wild bees, honey bees, and other pollinators. It's ideal for well-kept landscapes like garden beds and borders. Early, mid, and late blooming flowers are included to provide bees with forage throughout the season. Flowers for both short-tongued and long-tongued bees are available.

WEIGHT Max Coverage Area (Square Ft.)
1 oz 200
1/2 LB 1,600
1 LB 3,200
10 LB 32,000
25 LB 80,000

Mix components : Baby Blue Eyes (Nemophila menziesii), Bergamot (Monarda fistulosa), Blue Flax (Linum perenne), California Poppy (Eschscholzia californica), China Aster (Callistephus chinensis), Chinese Forget-Me-Not (Cynoglossum amabile), Corn Poppy (Papaver rhoeas), Fleabane Daisy (Erigeron speciosus), Globe Gilia (Gilia capitata), Indian Blanket (Gaillardia pulchella), Lance-Leaved Coreopsis (Coreopsis lanceolata), New England Aster (Aster novae-angliae), Plains Coreopsis (Coreopsis tinctoria), Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea), Purple Giant Hyssop (Agastache rugosa), Siberian Wallflower (Cheiranthus allionii), Sweet Alyssum (Lobularia maritima), Tidy Tips (Layia platyglossa)

Region : North America

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