Arkansas Traveler, Standard (Slicing) Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum)
From northwest Arkansas to North Carolina, this 100-year-old heirloom tomato was widely grown. TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce 6' indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants with abundant crops of 8-ounce round rose-pink tomatoes. One of the best-tasting tomato varieties, with a well-balanced sweet/tart flavour profile.Arkansas Traveler is much esteemed for its ability to produce flavorful tomatoes under normally adverse conditions high heat, humidity or drought. Resistant to cracking and disease.
Botanical name : Lycopersicon esculentum
Common name : Arkansas Traveler , Standard (Slicing) Tomato
Size at maturity : 2"- 3"
Days to maturity : 85-90
Light requirement : Full sun
Planting time : Spring / Summer
Sowing method : Direct sow
Planting depth : 1/2"
Plant spacing : 36"
ships : Year-round
Average seed per ounce : Approx. 10,000