Alma Paprika Pepper, HOT (Capsicum annuum)
This multipurpose Hungarian Pepper is great for making fiery Paprika powder, but it's also delicious right out of the garden, fresh and juicy. Alma has a high Scoville heat rating of 10,000, which is enough to bring out the rich flavours in Hungarian goulash. Alma's 2" thick-walled, globe-shaped, creamy-white Peppers turn into red orbs with a delicious hot-sweet flavour. (Opposition.)
Botanical name : Capsicum annuum
Common name : Alma Paprika Pepper, HOT
Size at maturity : 2” – 3”
Days to maturity : 80 -90
Light requirement : Full sun
Planting time : Summer,fall
Sowing method : Direct sow
Planting depth : ¼”
Plant Spacing : 18”
ships : Year-round
Average seed per ounce : Approx. 4,000