Pink Lipstick Swiss Chard (Beta vulgaris cicla)

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Deep green leaves with hot pink veins and stems characterise Pink Swiss Chard. When picked young, it is extremely tender and adds a splash of colour to salads. Or wait until you're fully mature and the veins are a true magenta for soups and steaming. With bright magenta stems and...
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Deep green leaves with hot pink veins and stems characterise Pink Swiss Chard. When picked young, it is extremely tender and adds a splash of colour to salads. Or wait until you're fully mature and the veins are a true magenta for soups and steaming. With bright magenta stems and succulent savoyed leaves, this is a stunning vegetable. It adds a splash of colour to salads.

Botanical name : Beta vulgaris cicla

Common name : Pink Lipstick Swiss Chard

Size at maturity : 8”-10”

Days to maturity : 60

Light requirement : Full sun

Planting time : spring

Sowing method : Direct sow

Planting depth : ½”

Plant spacing : 4”- 5”

ships : Year-round

Average seed per ounce : Approx. 1,200


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