Broadleaf Batavian Endive (Cichorium endivia)

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Wide lettuce-like leaves with a slight twist characterise the Broadleaf Batavian Endive chicory. This endive produces 10-12" leaves and tightly packed heads with a well blanched, creamy heart. The Broadleaf Batavian Endive is ideal for serving as a garnish on any dish!
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Wide lettuce-like leaves with a slight twist characterise the Broadleaf Batavian Endive chicory. This endive produces 10-12" leaves and tightly packed heads with a well blanched, creamy heart. The Broadleaf Batavian Endive is ideal for serving as a garnish on any dish!

Botanical Name : Cichorium endivia

Common name : Broadleaf Batavian Endive

Size at maturity : 10”- 12”

Days to maturity : 80

Light requirement : Full sun

Planting time  : Spring,summer

Sowing method : Direct Sow

Planting depth  : 1/4"

Plant spacing  : 6”

Ships  : Year-round

Average seeds per ounce : Approx. 25,000

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