Pineapple Tomatillo (Physalis ixocarpa) Plant Seeds
The plant produces a lot of tomatillos. It has a fruity flavour that reminds me of pineapple. Perfect for making a delicious salsa. When the small, cherry-sized fruit matures, it changes colour from green to yellow-gold. They're encased in a papery husk that turns brown as they ripen and splits open when they're ready to be harvested.
Botanical name : Physalis ixocarpa
Common name : Pineapple Tomatillo
Size at maturity : 1/2 - 1" Fruits
Days to maturity : 75
Light requirement : Full sun
Planting time : Spring,summer
Sowing method : Direct sow/indoor sow
Planting depth : 1/4”
Plant spacing : 8-10"
Ships : Year-round
Average seed per ounce : Approx. 10,000