DIANTHUS barbatus (Sweet William Pinks, Mixed)

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DIANTHUS barbatus (Sweet William Pinks, Mixed) is a biennial or short-lived perennial flowering plant in the Caryophyllaceae family. The Mixed cultivar of Sweet William Pinks encompasses a diverse assortment of colors and variations within the species. This charming plant is highly regarded for its clusters of fragrant and colorful flowers. Sweet...
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DIANTHUS barbatus (Sweet William Pinks, Mixed) is a biennial or short-lived perennial flowering plant in the Caryophyllaceae family. The Mixed cultivar of Sweet William Pinks encompasses a diverse assortment of colors and variations within the species. This charming plant is highly regarded for its clusters of fragrant and colorful flowers.

Sweet William Pinks typically form clumps of foliage, reaching a height of about 12 to 24 inches (30 to 60 centimeters). The stems are erect and bear dense clusters of small flowers, creating a vibrant and captivating display when in bloom. The mixed cultivar offers a delightful assortment of flower colors, adding to the visual interest and charm.

The flowers of Dianthus barbatus 'Mixed' are typically arranged in flat-topped clusters called cymes. Each individual flower has five petals with serrated edges and a fringed or lacy appearance. The Mixed cultivar presents a wide range of colors, including shades of pink, red, purple, white, and bi-color combinations. The flowers often feature intricate patterns or markings, enhancing their visual appeal.

Sweet William Pinks are known for their delightful fragrance, which is often described as spicy, clove-like, or reminiscent of a combination of cloves and cinnamon. The fragrance adds an extra element of sensory delight to the garden and makes these flowers popular for cut flower arrangements or potpourri.

The foliage of Sweet William Pinks consists of narrow, lance-shaped leaves that are typically medium to dark green. The leaves form dense clumps, providing an attractive backdrop to the colorful flowers. They remain evergreen or semi-evergreen in mild climates, contributing to the plant's ornamental value even when not in bloom.

Caring for Sweet William Pinks is relatively straightforward. They prefer full sun exposure to promote optimal flowering but can tolerate partial shade. Well-drained soil is essential to prevent root rot. Regular watering is necessary, particularly during dry periods, but overwatering should be avoided. Deadheading spent flowers can help promote continuous blooming and maintain a neat appearance.

Dianthus barbatus 'Mixed' Sweet William Pinks bring a delightful array of colors, fragrances, and textures to gardens and landscapes. Their compact size, diverse flower colors, and charming appearance make them a versatile and beloved choice for borders, cottage gardens, and other sunny areas. With their abundance of blooms and enticing fragrance, Sweet William Pinks create a lively and captivating atmosphere in any outdoor setting.

Number of Seeds Max Coverage Area (Square Ft.)
1OZ 26,250 500
1/4LB 105,000 2,000
1/2LB 210,000 4,000
1LB 420,000 8,000
5LB 2,100,000 40,000



Plant Type: Perennials

Family: Dianthus

Native Range: US, Mexico

Full Growth Height: 12-24"

Width in Across: 25-30"

Exposure: Full Sun, Partial Sun

Blooming Season: Spring, Summer, Fall

Flower: Showy, Fragrant

Pollinators: Butterflies, Honeybees, Sun

Flower Color: Mixed

Tolerate: Deer

Water Requirement: Average

Soil Type: Loam, Sand

Zones: 3-9

Uses: Patio, Containers, Beds, Borders

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