Amsterdam Carrot (Daucus carota)
Amsterdam Carrot (Daucus carota): The high-quality variety ‘Amsterdam carrot ' produces uniform, cylindrical, blunt-tipped baby carrots with a rich deep orange red color and almost no heart. Carrots are typically 13 to 15 cm (5 to 6in) long, slender, and finger-shaped.
Fast-growing and one of the first to mature, this variety is suitable for early crops and early forcing in frames and cloches. They are resistant to cracking and breaking.
Botanical Name : Daucus carota
Common name : Amsterdam Carrot
Size at maturity : 12”
Days to maturity : 50-70 days
Light requirement : Full sun
Planting time : summer
Sowing method : Direct sow
Planting depth : ¾”
Plant spacing : 6”
Ships : Year-round
Average seeds per ounce : Approx. 25,000