White Egg Turnip (Brassica rapa)

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Egg White Turnips are an open-pollinated variety with lovely egg-shaped roots and tall, medium-green tops. Raw or cooked, this dish is delicious. With roots that are nearly round and white in colour, White Egg is a great turnip variety for bunching. Crispy, tender, and sweet, the flesh is a delight...
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Egg White Turnips are an open-pollinated variety with lovely egg-shaped roots and tall, medium-green tops. Raw or cooked, this dish is delicious. With roots that are nearly round and white in colour, White Egg is a great turnip variety for bunching. Crispy, tender, and sweet, the flesh is a delight to eat. This fast-growing variety is especially popular in southern areas, and it only takes 50 days to reach harvest.

Botanical name : Brassica rapa

Common name : White Egg Turnip

Size at maturity : 4”

Days to maturity : 50

Light requirement : Full sun

Planting time : Spring, summer

Sowing method : Direct sow

Planting depth : 1/4”

Plant spacing : 4”

ships : Year-round

Average seed per ounce : Approx. 10,000

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